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2022 Games Pathways - Learning Skills for The Games Industry






Skill LevelS





Does this sound like you?

About You.

We are looking for 10-15 talented young people (18-24) who are Not In Education, Employment or Training (NEET) from Suffolk who want to make games. We are looking for driven, passionate people who want to learn and get involved in the biggest entertainment industry in the world.


The purpose of the Games Pathways Programme built by Game Anglia to help young people gain the skills necessary to gain an entry-level role in the games or a games-adjacent industry. Throughout this programme, the goal is to learn the basics of game development culture, project management, marketing, social media and quality assurance, and have the opportunity to make your own small game.

Throughout the course, experts from all of these fields will be available to learn from and help you. Guest speakers will join the workshops to help the participants understand the career paths ahead of them, be it to apply for a junior position in a games company, sign up for a further course at university or college or start working as a freelancer.

Completing this course will help you:

Who is the course for?

The course is open to any 18-24 year old living in Suffolk, who is not in education, employment or study at the time of applying. We have a limited number of spots available, so the participants will need to fill in the below form to be considered. We will then arrange an interview and, if accepted, we will arrange the best way for you to take part in the course, due to start on the 22nd of January 2022. 

Learning Path

The first step in the Games Pathways programme is a 2-week bootcamp organised together with Inspire Suffolk. This programme will give you the employability basics for the games industry. In the two weeks, you will learn about how to build a portfolio, meet up with juniors from the games industry and understand more about your career plan.


  • 13 days of intense bootcamp preparing you for setting yourself up for the world of work, focusing on the games industry
  • Meet games industry juniors
  • Learn about the eSports Industry
  • Make a short, small, web-based digital game

The next step is for up to 15 participants to attend 5 weeks of online and in-person workshops, delivered at the University of Suffolk. The focus is on building your portfolio and learning about games industry job roles that are junior-friendly.

Job families and areas of learning

  • Quality Assurance (games testing)
  • Marketing, Social Media and Community Management
  • Office administration and management
  • Project and Product Management

Additionally, we are working together with Safe In Our World, the Gamers’ Mental Health Charity, to support the mental health of the participants through a series of workshops

Safe in Our World Sessions

  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Communication and Conflict Resolution
  • Building a Personal Resilience Toolkit
  • Facing Imposter Syndrome

In the final week, we will focus on learning about how a game studio is run, as well as getting the participants to show their built-up portfolios and CVs to games industry folks to get feedback, including in mock interviews

  • Studio visit
  • Mock Interviews
  • Learning about how a games studio is run


What we are looking for

Your Skills.



Be able to communicate, negotiate and express your ideas. This will be crucial in making a great game as a team.



It will take commitment to get in the games industry, and to succeed. We can help you, but only if you allow us to.



We can teach you many entry-level skills, your contribution needs to be  persistence and constant improvement.

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